What is the Canada Goose Round Up program? If landowners are still having conflicts with Canada geese after trying various control methods (including destroying nests in eligible areas), they can apply for a permit to gather geese on their lake or site and transport them to designated release sites. Most participants in this program hire a licensed animal control company to remove birds. The first goose roundup in Michigan took place in the early 70s. The number of Roundup permits applied for has steadily increased since then. In some areas, such as Canterbury and possibly Wairarapa, coordinated efforts to control geese are needed. DOC understands that groups of farmers in these places are already thinking about the approaches they will use to manage geese. What happens to geese that are «rounded up» but not moved? Some geese picked up in June can be killed by a licensed meat processor and prepared for distribution to non-profit organizations for use in soup kitchens. It`s up to you. You will have to go out and hunt geese in the rain before you can decide whether or not to hunt in the rain.
Goose hunters have different opinions about hunting in the rain. Some are opposites, others are indifferent, while others love it. Goose hunters hunting in the rain have reported how increased winds trigger the movement of geese. This tends to move geese to hunting grounds, but rainy weather may not be as good for goose hunting, as soaking can extend the day in the field. What are conflicts between goose and man? The conflict between goose and man is when people complain about geese. Most complaints come from residents and businesses frustrated with goose droppings, usually in specific locations such as lawns, beaches, docks, sidewalks, and golf courses. Sometimes geese nest in inappropriate places, such as in shrubs near buildings or parking lots, where they become aggressive towards people who enter the area around the nest. Canada geese can also cause damage to agricultural crops by eating or trampling.
You don`t need an outfitter to hunt Canada geese in Canada, but it is recommended. You will have the local knowledge to make your stay in Canada a great success. If you do your research and find a reputable outfitter like Tiger Hills Outfitting in Saskatchewan, you won`t regret it. You will take the time to make your hunt as pleasant as possible. If you don`t need to bring your own lures at the end of a bird-filled day, you`ll wonder why you thought of doing it yourself! Canada geese now have the same conservation status as many other introduced bird species such as rock pigeons, magpies and wild turkeys. What can landowners do to prevent geese from accessing their property? First of all, do not artificially feed geese or other water birds. Feeding concentrates geese, causes the loss of wild instincts, aggressiveness and can lead to nutritional imbalance. If legal in your area, goose hunting is a very effective and cost-effective tool for controlling goose populations. Scaring devices can be a cost-effective way to repel geese if applied regularly once geese arrive on your property before nesting. There are many commercial enterprises that sell fear devices such as grenade firecrackers, howlers, bird alarms, motion detector accessories, electronic sound systems, bird bangers, rockets, and emergency calls. There are also visual stimulation techniques used to scare geese, such as bird scar balloons, plastic flags, and the Mylar fear band. Physical barriers such as fences can be used to exclude geese unable to fly lawns during molting.
Barrier fences work most effectively when placed along the coast, but they should be used when young birds are not trapped on land. Fences can be as simple as two strands of string at the water`s edge. Many golf courses and airports have reported success with dogs trained to hunt geese from the property. Increasingly, owners of waterfront properties are also reporting that their dogs are effective at scaring off geese. Canine assistance companies can be hired. Commercially available repellents can be applied to lawns to deter geese from feeding on grass. The disadvantage of using repellents is that they are only effective for a short period of time. Rain or mowing reduces their effectiveness. The need for a licence and permit cannot be overstated.
Hunting these waterfowl requires you to have a national hunting permit for migratory birds. You must also have a Canadian wildlife habitat conservation stamp. An attached electronic image of the species protection stamp is also sufficient. Make sure your licence is valid. A combined licence is acceptable across Canada. You would also do well to bring your approval with you. You want to have your licence with you to show rangers on request. In some parts of the country, no major changes are required. Landowners and others who need to control geese have the opportunity to conduct the inspection themselves or contact local recreational hunters interested in goose hunting opportunities. Goose hunters can also contact local farmers to access hunting opportunities. Commerce will monitor arrangements developed by the agricultural community with other groups interested in geese (including recreational hunting groups, municipal councils and airport corporations) with a particular interest in aviation safety issues. If significant «problematic» issues arise, Commerce will bring them to the attention of the Minister of Nature Conservancy.
Other game hunting regulations must no longer be followed when hunting or killing geese – for example, if birds must be shot with a shotgun while the bird is in flight. Geese can be killed by any human means, even if they are flightless during their annual moult. The use of poison is not allowed, since no poison is registered for use in the fight against geese. Hunting geese without lures is possible. There are many techniques you can use in your goose hunt. These techniques do not require bird lure and can be effective. But using lures increases your chances of catching geese. Lures are an important piece of equipment in goose hunting. Your lure should be able to move, stir the water or cause a ripple effect. The most expensive lures are usually not the best. You can ask goose hunters for advice on the techniques and lures they use.
They are generally friendly and willing to share their goose hunting knowledge and experience. If you hunt with a reputable outfitter like Tiger Hills, you won`t have to worry about decoys and spreads. These large migratory waterfowl were once in retreat. But in recent decades, Canada geese have multiplied. Their wealth was estimated at seven million. About three decades ago they were not so common, but today they exist in large numbers. You can find schools of geese in southern and northern Canada. The answer is yes.
Canada geese can be hunted, but in accordance with the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA). Although Canada geese are protected by the federal government if you hunt during the hunting season and within certain hunting parameters, you will be fine. Anyone can hunt or kill geese at any time of the year without the need for a hunting license. Permits are no longer required for the control of geese on private land. Hunters who want to hunt geese in nature reserves need a hunting license, but no more game. Find out more about hunting licences. How can I join this program on my website if I haven`t done so in the past? If you have conflicts with Canada geese on your property, you will be encouraged to resolve them with methods such as fear tactics, repellents, fences, landscape changes, and trained dogs. If you have any questions about these methods or if they are not successful, contact your local wildlife biologist.
Why is there a fee for Canada goose scooping activities? MNR`s licence fee structure was recently approved by the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) to partially cover the costs of administering the Canada Geese program for residents. In the past, all funding for this program came from hunters` money. We estimate that the new fee will cover approximately 50% of program costs. Our records also show that about 54% of websites that request roundup activities actually conduct this activity.